2020 was most probably a strange year for many. But for me, it was also one filled with accomplishments, thankfulness and gratitude.

The pic above is from my IG account which collated the top 9 most-liked posts in my account in 2020. Eight were related to my books and one was posted during HBL. I guess they are pretty apt as in spite of the pandemic, I feel accomplished having published two children's novels and having my debut book win 3rd prize in the Readers' Choice Awards.
Indeed 2020 could have been better. Publishing a book is a major event for most people but I didn't have any book launch events for both my books. I was also scheduled to speak at a school assembly but that got cancelled too. I could have griped that it was a terrible year to be launching books but I knew it also could have been worse - my books could have been postponed or we could have fallen sick from the dreaded COVID-19.
So I left the selling and marketing of my books in the good hands of my publisher, did whatever I could with video-making requirements and promoting my book on social media, and trust we're all doing the best we could in an abnormal year.
Ultimately I'm grateful that I got to focus more on my writing and spend more time with my family in the year. While others lamented about being coped up at home, my family and I actually enjoyed being home where we felt safe, read more books and played more games and puzzles than we ever did in a year, and picked up new hobbies like stop motion video-making.
I'm thankful that we were all generally in good health in 2020, though my hubby came down with dengue and sadly, my FIL passed away suddenly. Thankfully, my MIL and my parents are still with us. Life is fragile indeed and every day we have with our loved ones can only be a blessing.
There's much to look forward to this year as I'm scheduled to publish two more books in the #MyBFFIsAnAlien series, while I work on other story ideas. My biggest wish for the new year is that we all have good health, and with that, we could all forge ahead with our goals and aspirations.
Thank you my blog and book readers for your support all these while. My best wishes to you and your family in the new year, and hope that 2021 will treat us all a lil better than 2020! 🥳