Get My BFF is an Alien: Sabotage at 35% at Epigram Books' online Christmas Sale!

If you don't already know, Epigram Books is having an online Christmas sale where books published by Epigram are discounted at 35%. But only till 6 Dec! Your orders will also be gift wrapped. So it's a really good deal, very presentable and saves you the hassle of gift wrapping! If you're thinking about what to buy for your family and friends this Christmas, look no further! 😆
Btw the last I checked, the first book of #MyBFFIsAnAlien is sold out on Epigram's online store (😱) but Sabotage is still available! 35% off is very worthwhile! You can also get my books at major local bookstores like Popular Bookstore Singapore, Times bookstores and Kinokuniya Singapore Webstore. They'd make fantastic gifts this Christmas 😉

Disclaimer: My opinions and reviews here are strictly my and my family’s own.
©Vivian Teo. All content and photos are copyrighted to Vivian Teo unless otherwise specified.