The Thin Veil Between Us is a heartfelt memoir and comforting self-help book that shares an interesting perspective on death and the afterlife.

Is there life after death? Do spirits exist? Can you communicate with loved ones who have passed on? These questions are explored in The Thin Veil Between Us by Marilyn Choong, a Singapore writer, who shares her spiritual journey following the passing of her mother.

I’m a bit of a sceptic when it comes to the afterlife but I found myself engaged in Marilyn’s recounting of her mother’s deathbed experience and the signs she encountered which convinced her that her mother was trying to communicate with her after death.

Marilyn’s story drew tears at various points too. At an age where I’m seeing older relatives pass on, I experience anticipatory grief at times (something the author mentions in her book), knowing that one day I will have to bid my aging parents goodbye. I appreciate Marilyn’s new age approach on the topic of death and the afterlife, which is neither pedantic nor heavy-handed on religion.

This heartfelt memoir also serves as a self-help book for those grappling with grief. Whether you have lost a loved one or are simply curious about the possibility of the afterlife, this book offers an interesting perspective and is a comforting read. It’s also a reminder to live life in the present with gratitude, while offering hope that it's not necessarily goodbye forever.

Thank you Experal Singapore for sending over this thoughtful read 🙏 This book is available at Experal Singapore's Shopee store , alongside the best and latest fiction and non-fiction books! 😉
Disclaimer: The book was provided by Experal Singapore for our review. As always, all opinions are ours.
©Vivian Teo. All content and photos are copyrighted to Vivian Teo unless otherwise specified.