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It's the two-year book anniversary of My BFF Is an Alien!

Vivian Teo

Some thoughts on my fiction writing journey on the two-year book anniversary of My BFF Is an Alien!

My BFF Is an Alien Vivian Teo middle grade kid children book Epigram Singapore singlit

It's the two-year book anniversary of My BFF Is an Alien! 🥳 In the cover pic is me, 2 years ago at my publisher, autographing my very first book 😊 To date, I've written a total of four books, with a fifth book in the making. It has been, and still is, an amazing ride!

I've been a writer most of my working life. I've been writing news, commentaries and features for almost 18 years now, and I'm very lucky to have enjoyed most part of my writing career. But to me, there is nothing like writing children's fiction, and creating worlds and stories that engage and inspire children.

I still think of myself as a newbie fiction writer who is still learning along the way. Some days I still look at my drafts and think, "this is crap!". But some days I tear up when I get a message from a reader or a reader's parent who tells me how much he/she or his/her kid loves my books. Imposter syndrome is very real for many writers, or women, really. So, every word of encouragement, kind review and nomination in a book award matters to me because it tells me, 'hey, maybe I am good at this'. 🙏

It hasn't been easy launching books during the pandemic and I feel so blessed by all your love and support, including those from my publisher and its talented team. So here's to many more book anniversaries and good stories in the years to come!🥳

Last but not least, Epigram Books is having a 20% discount off all Epigram-published kidlit till 28 Feb at its online store! That means you can get my books, including newly-released My BFF Is an Alien: Invasion, at a discount! 😁 Hope you are having a lovely weekend 🤗

Disclaimer: My opinions and reviews here are strictly my and my family’s own.

©Vivian Teo. All content and photos are copyrighted to Vivian Teo unless otherwise specified.


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